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Cardiff 02920 226 316

Archive: Socrates Siskos

Lеt’ѕ talk аbоut whаt 3D Tоuсh iѕ and whаt it can dо. Phil Sсhillеr аnd Craig Federighi called it “thе nеxt gеnеrаtiоn оf multi-touch.” Whilе thiѕ iѕ a hуреrbоliс marketing statement, it iѕ ѕоmеwhаt truе.

Press Release

Cardiff-22nd June 2015. One of the first smartphone repairs businesses in the UK, iPhonefixed, has today announced plans to improve their green credentials by working in conjunction with an eco-friendly cycle courier.


Technology moves so quickly that today’s technology soon becomes yesterdays within just a few months. This happens with everything, computers, tablets, and especially smart phones. Despite these items having an operating life span of years if looked after well, they simply end up in massive silicon graveyards in other parts of the world. Not our problem, hey? Wrong. It’s very much our problem, because we are contributing to a massive waste problem that exists throughout the world.

Apple’s “newest new” product since the inception of the iPad back in 2010, will again raise the bar in the mobile technology world. The technology has been held in deep secret, in a building where no outsiders may bring in pencil and paper, let alone any recording device such as a smart phone. For the past couple of years, Apple has been collecting data in this secret location, from people working out in the gym, fitness bikes, and so on, in a bid to understand fitness, and how to make the watch an essential device for helping people keep fit.